The Osaka World Exposition 1970 New attempt after the war
Year: | 1970 | City: | Osaka | Country: | Japan | Duration: | 5 March - 13 September 1970
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After first having to abandon the Japanese World Exposition of 1912 in the planning stage (für following the death of Emperor Meji, and then the Japanese World Exposition of 1940 following the outbreak of the Second World War, efforts started again in earnest in 1963 to organise a World Exposition on Japanese soil. This third attempt was officially registered in May 1965 with the Bureau International des Exposition (BIE) in Paris. The decision of the BIE went in Japan's favour not only because of the two earlier unsuccessful attempts but also - indeed primarily - because of the economic upsurge of Japan since the war and the successful organisation of the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 1964. Osaka, a highly industrialised city and the second largest in Japan, was host to the first Asian World Exposition. The hill at Senri, a satellite town around 50 km to the north of the city centre, was chosen as the site of the exposition to be created around the theme "Progress and Harmony for Mankind".
While the Japanese government was responsible for finance and control, a company called "Japan Association for the 1970 World Exposition" was established to take on the preparation, planning and realisation of the event. Kenzo Tange, Uzo Nishiyama and Kazumi Iinuma presented the master-plan for the grounds in October 1966. A committee was set up to develop the exhibition site working under the leadership of Shigeru Ito. In January 1968 the final design drawings were ready. On 14 March 1970, EXPO '70 was officially opened by the Emperor and the Empress of Japan.
Planning stages
23.4.1964 Gisen Sato, governor of Osaka and Daizo Odawara, president of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Osaka publish a letter to the Japanese government requesting that an international exhibition be organised in Osaka
8.1.1965 Japan ratified the 1928 convention on international expositions
3.4.1965 The Ministry for International Trade and Industry designated the hills of Senri as the Exposition location
12.5.1965 The Japanese application to organise an international exposition in Osaka in 1970 was officially accepted by BIE
15.10.1965 Establishment of Japan Association for 1970 World Exposition
2.11.1965 The Association convened its first meeting of directors and decided on the basic concept for the theme of the exposition
25.11.1965 Taizo Ishizaka installed as President of the association
7.4.1966 Meeting of the committee for the theme of the Exposition, which resolves to construct a theme pavilion in cooperation with all nations
11.5.1966 Official registration of the exposition by the BIE
3.9.1966 The foreign ministry sends official invitations to all countries and all international organisations recognised by Japan to take part in the exposition.
15.3.1967 Laying of foundation stone
15.3.1968 Crown Prince Akihito becomes Honorary President of the Exposition
31.10.1068 Ticket sales start
5.12.1969 Prime Minister Eisaku Sato named President