Die Geschichte der Weltausstellungen

Die Weltausstellung 1933 & 1934 in Chicago

Jahr: 1933
Stadt: Chicago
Land: USA
Dauer: 27. Mai - 12. November 1933 und 25. Mai


George A. Barclay, Modern Architecture dominates Century of Progress Exposition. In: Architect and Engineer. Bd. 113, Juni 1933, S. 11-24.

The Chicagoan World's Fair Book. A complete history of the Century of Progress International Exposition. Chicago, New York 1933.

Rufus C. Dawes, Report of the President of a century of Progress to the Board of Trustees. Chicago 1936.

Almus Pratt Evans, Exposition Architecture 1893 versus 1933. In: Parnassus, Bd. 5, Mai 1933, S. 17-21.

John E. Findling, Chicago's great world´s fairs. Manchester und New York 1994.

A.M. Frankfurter, Architecture of a Century of Progress. In: Fine Arts, Bd. 20, Juni 1933, S. 5-11.

E.H. Klaber, World's Fair Architecture. In: American Magazine of Art. Bd. 26. Juni 1933., S. 292-98.

M. Krusemark, Die Weltausstellung in Chicago. In: Monatshefte für Baukunst und Städtebau. Juni 1933, S. 249-256.

Lenox R. Lohr, Fair Management: The Story of a Century of Progress Exposition. Chicago 1952.

Official Guide Book of the Fair. Chicago 1933-34.

Official Book of the Fair. Giving Pre-Exposition Information 1932-33 of a Century of Progress. International Exposition Chicago 1933. Chicago 1932.

Official Guide and Time Saving Trips Through the Fair. Chicago 1933.

Nathaniel Owings, New Materials and Building Methods for Chicago Exposition. In: Architectural Record, Bd. 71, April 1932, S. 279-288.

Nathaniel Owings, Amusement Features of the Exposition. In: Architectural Record, Bd. 73, Mai 1933, S. 355-62.

August Riesch, Von der Weltausstellung Chikago 1933. In: Deutsche Bauzeitung. März 1933, Heft 13, S. 256-258.

T.V. Roelof-Lanner, Der deutsche Führer durch die Weltausstellung 1934. Chicago 1934.

Robert W. Rydell, World of Fairs. The Century of Progress Expositions. Chicago 1994.

Science at the Century of Progress Exposition in 1934. In: Scientific Monthly. Bd. 39, November 1934, S. 475-78.

Louis Skidmore, The Architecture of the Century of Progress. In: Display World, Bd. 12, Mai 1933, S. 10-15, 32.

Louis Skidmore, Planning the Exposition Displays. In: Architectural Record, Bd. 73, Mai 1933, S. 342-347.

Otto Teegen, Painting the Exposition Buildings. In: Architectural Record, Bd. 73, Mai 1933, S. 366-369.

Shepard Vogelsgesang, Color Treatment of Exhibit Space. In: Architectural Record, Bd. 73, Mai 1933, S. 370-74.

Arthur F. Woltersdorf, Carnival Architecture. In: American Architect. Bd. 143, Juli 1933, S. 10-21.

J. Parker Van Zandt und Walter L. Rohe, King Customer at a Century of Progress. In: Review of Reviews, Bd. 90, September 1934, S. 22-27.

EXPOSEEUM - Das Weltausstellungsmuseum, Hannover, Expo Plaza 11
Geöffnet jeden Sonntag von 11 bis 16 Uhr