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Copyright: Revue de l'Exposition universelle de 1889, S. 248 |
Official title: Exposition universelle de 1889
Occasion: Celebration of the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution
Location: Champs de Mars, Esplanade des Invalides, Colline de Chaillot, and the banks of the Seine; a total of 96 hectares, 60 hectares of which were buildings
Duration: 6th May to 31st October 1889 (180 days);
officially opened on 5th May by President Carnot
Landmarks: Eiffel Tower, Hall of Machines
General superintendent: The Minister for Trade and Industry, Edouard Lockroy and, later, David Dautresme; during the exhibition, Pierre Tirard
Superintendent of the art exhibitions: Antonin Proust
Chief site architect: Joseph-Antoine Bouvard
Exhibitors: 61,722, of whom 33,937 were French
Pavilions: Three French pavilions, 24 theme pavilions, 18 colonial pavilions, 35 national pavilions, 30 private pavilions
Visitors: 32,250,000
Price of entry: One franc
Financial details:
Expenditure: 41,500,000 francs
Earnings: 49,500,000 francs
Profit: 8,000,000 francs
Classification : 9 groups and 83 classes
Prizes : 33,889, of these, 953 “Grand Prix
Year: 1889 | City: Paris | Country: France |
Duration: 6th May - 31st October 1889 |